Related project:vxworks-atm-5.5.0 has been release. New version StarCCM has been released.New version supports multithread, a visible assembling tool, a graphic management tool, and can support dynamic deployment. New version StarCCM can upgrade assembly online. ![]() ![]() Old version introductionStarCCM 1.0 is an OMG's CORBA Component Model(CCM) implementation in c++ language. This software is developed by StarCCM Team. This version provides service bean, session bean, entity bean, corresponding containers and deployment tools. All codes are compiled for OB-4.1.0 and JTC-2.0.0 successfully. This version also includes an idl3 compiler and a cidl compiler, which resident in ccm\bin directory. You can use idl3 compiler to generate CIF(Component Implementation Framework) files. It also can generate an idl version 2.4 mapping which will be used to generate ORB specific stubs and skeletons. We have integrated OTS (Object Transaction Service) and PSS(Persistant Service) in CCM application server. OTS and PSS implementations are in individual subdirectory. There is a PSDL language compiler in pss\bin directory. The OTS is only for postgres. We have modified postgres implmentation to supports XA interface which is needed by two phase commit protocol. Enhanced postgres' implementation is shipped in corresponding subdirectory. StarCCM has also supported TAO and Starbus. But the version has not released here. If you need it, please contact us. |
Project summary
NEWS:New version StarCCM has been released. StarCCM has supported TAO and Starbus. If you need it, please contact us. |